Saturday, March 16, 2013

Saturday Style Solution: Parting Ways with Your Clothes!

It's true that styles come back overtime, 
but that doesn't mean you should hold onto items waiting for that day to come! 
You could potentially be wasting valuable closet space for 
clothing you'd get a lot of use out of NOW!
And if you're telling yourself, "Oh I'll wear this soon...", 
think back to the last time you actually wore the garment.

In the past I've struggled with this parting ways concept, 
but have come up with a few great solutions!
1) The 30 Day Challenge:

I was always one to tell myself, "Even though I haven't worn this in awhile, I still love it...and I'll wear it soon!"...only to have it continue to sit in my closet.  So a couple years ago, I came up with what I like to call the 30 Day Challenge.  I went through my entire closet, and picked out any items that I hadn't worn in the past 2 months.  I put those items in the front of my closet, and promised myself to wear them within the next month, or get rid of them.  By completing this 30 Day Challenge, I realized which items really did not belong in my closet anymore. It was the clothing I never wore within that month in addition to the few garments I did wear that I found I just wasn't in love with anymore.  If you're like me and really struggle with getting rid of clothing, I suggest having your own 30 Day Challenge! 

2) Clothing = Cash:

In need of a little extra cash?  Places like Plato's Closet or Cherry Pickers give you cash on the spot for your gently worn clothing!  Now, I'll be're not going to get much money back at these cash-on-the-spot consignment stores.  But, if you do feel as though you are being completely ripped off, these places do let you view what they are offering for each piece they would like to buy.  And you're allowed to decline their offers! If there's an item I paid a somewhat hefty amount for and they want to give me a dollar for it, I take it back home with me!  The items these second-hand stores don't accept, I donate to Goodwill or the Salvation Army.  
3) Toss the Trash:

I used to wear my favorite pieces of clothing until they were on the verge of falling apart at any second.  But recently I came up with a better idea; if there's something wrong or broke...fix it, and if it's not easily repairable, toss it!  There's no reason to be walking around in jeans worn down near the crotch, or a dress or top with stains.  Consider how much you paid for the item.  If you got it at a discount retail store, there is a reason it was such a great price! It isn't meant to last a lifetime.  Rather than running the risk of looking drab...toss it! 
There is no better time than spring to do some closet cleaning! 
It may be hard to break up with your clothing...but think of all the cute 
new items you could fill the spaces with! 

Do you have any other parting ways solutions? 
Leave them in the comments below! :) 

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